Announcing No. 108 #500FLLWPROJECT – Dr. George and Millie Ablin Home

Excited to announce I will be adding #108 to my project to photograph all remaining Frank Lloyd Wright designs around the world.

Frank Lloyd Wright Renderings, Ablin Home, Bakersfield, California (1958)
Frank Lloyd Wright Renderings, Ablin Home, Bakersfield, California (1958)

Yahooooo, 'cause it feels like forever.

It’s the Dr. George and Millie Ablin Home, 1958 in Bakersfield, California.

Tough to find some good historic photos of this place but I never get tired of seeing renderings on Wright designs either (thanks Michael Pipher). The plan is an outside L (240 degrees on an equilateral parallelogram grid).

Big thanks to the owner for his willingness to be part of the project. Lets do this!

Photographs coming soon!


Photographing Mind-Blowing Landscapes And Architecture In Chile


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