DeGrazia's Gallery in the Sun. Tucson, Arizona

I do my best to take care of my physical and mental health but I’ve just recently learned I need to be aware of and take more care of my creative health.

My photography has felt very manufactured lately, more processed, less creative. I need to let my creativity have some room to run and play. So on a recent roadtrip down in Southern Arizona, I decided to carry my camera everywhere, keep it simple and just shoot single images with quick edits.

My first therapy session was at one of Arizona’s most accomplished artist, DeGrazia’s Gallery in the Sun in Tucson.

The 10-acre foothills site includes the adobe gallery with permanent and rotating exhibits, mission with interior murals, gift shop, cactus courtyard, the artist’s home, and his grave.

It felt good to give my creativity some room to breath. 🙏


Photography Workshop Critique Session


"Let the desert be proud of the house" - Frank Lloyd Wright